Photography Competition

We need your help to showcase the Cornwall's mammalian diversity!
We want to create a 2019 Mammal Calendar to promote Cornish mammals and the photography skills of our members, by opening our first ever photography competition. The theme for the competition is Fading Winter. Successful entries will be printed in the calendar and support our work and the mammal community, through calendar sales.
Rules and Regulations:
All images must have been taken in Cornwall.
Photographs must be of wild mammals or mammal related (such as tracks).
The welfare of animals must not be compromised.
The image submitted must have been taken by the entrant.
By submitting an image, you agree for Cornwall Mammal Group to use the image for publishing purposes.
Submit your images via email to CMGphotocomp@gmail.com by the 31st March.
Members will be given on opportunity to vote on which images make it to the calendar. Good Luck!